Sasural Simar Ka has created history in the television space and became a household name in the country. This Indian drama show was successful in keeping the audience entertained for seven long years. The show was first aired in 2011 and successfully ran till 2018. After a gap of three years, the show is back with its second season, Sasural Simar Ka 2 that revolves around the lives of Simar and Roli in the Bharadwaj family. Ever since the show started in April 2021, Sasural Simar Ka 2 continues to receive the same applause from the audience. Balika Vadhu fame, Avika Gor played Roli and actress Dipika Kakar, who rose to fame portraying Simar. Season 2 will introduce new faces like Avinash Mukherjee, Radhika Muthukumar and Akash Jagga in crucial roles.
Produced by Rashmi Sharma and directed by Yash Sinha, Sasural Simar Ka 2 is all about love, togetherness and family values exploring the new age story of two sisters, Reema and Simar. As both the sisters embark on a journey to follow their dreams, fate connects them to Agra's most successful Oswal Family. A new storyline while keeping the soul of the first season unchanged is the success formula of the show.
Radhika Muthukumar as Simar and Tanya Sharma as Reema are absolutely fantastic. Avinash Mukherjee, famous for his portrayal of Jagya in Balika Vadhu, looks promising. Karan Sharma as Vivaan is just brilliant. With a fast pace in the screenplay, the story builds curiosity in each episode. The love stories are too good to watch.
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