Krishna Tulasi is a Telugu Serial that telecasts on Zee Telugu. It is one of the romantic-drama genres with a new and fresh storyline. This serial is directed and produced by K.Raghavendra Rao starring Aishwarya H and Dileep R Shetty in lead roles.
This story runs throughout a girl named Shyama, who is dark-skinned. She proves the society that the colour of skin doesn’t matter. Due to her skin colour, she faces many obstacles and difficulties. However, she sets her journey by designing her own identity. Shyama is a girl who believes in Lord Krishna and thinks that the complexion she has is the same as Lord Krishna’s complexion.
After marrying Akhil, who is a rich man she also faces many issues from her in-law house. But, she believes in Lord Krishna and faces every hurdle. Her life changes after marriage and she sets her career in singing. To know how Shyama faces difficulties and how she overcomes them and moves forward for setting her career watch Krishna Tulasi from Monday to Saturday at 6:30 P.M. IST in Zee Telugu.
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NOTE: Channel availability based on regional availability